Campaign Performance
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The Campaign Performance Dashboard offers a detailed overview of each Addressable campaign. This dashboard is designed to simplify your campaign analysis process, providing a clear, aggregated view of all crucial performance metrics. The Dashboard is composed of different analytic representations to cover high level, in depth and over-time views of your campaign results:
Over-time Performance Graph - A visualization of your significant conversion metrics and KPIs over time, providing you with trend analysis in a comparative view.
Segment Breakdown Table - A deep dive into the performance of each targeting parameter (geolocation, gender, creative, etc.) across your conversion metrics, identifying high performing segments to keep and low performing ones to exclude.
Funnel Analysis - A visualized sequence of events detailing the user's experience on the path to conversion, and revealing "leaks" causing user loss before they reach the conversion destination.
In addition to the campaign’s performance, the dashboard also provides a bird's-eye view of the campaign configuration (targeted audience, budget, geolocation, etc.) and a log of Addressable+ optimization activities available under the Campaign Summary tab.
The Performance Over Time graph provides a visualization of your KPIs in a comparative view and it is a great tool for trend comparison in order to:
Track the percentage of change for any metric from the previous date range. By default the dashboard is set to a last 7 days view, and so the percentage of change is in comparison to the week before last. If you were to change the date range, the percentages will recalculate in accordance with the selected date range.
Compare the trend of multiple metrics. While each metric may be on a different scale (impressions in the thousands, conversions in the hundreds etc.), the trend comparison helps reveal patterns of change. For example, what happens when you increase the daily budget, or when you remove an underperforming creative.
You may select up to 5 different metrics for trend comparison. The list of available metrics depends on the data integrations you have set up with with Addressable and the corresponding Ad networks. Learn more about our data sources and integrations.
The segment breakdown allows you to deep dive into how your targeting parameters are performing across KPIs. For instance, a segment (e.g a particular country) leading in CTR might be lagging in Engagement. This is especially useful in pinpointing segments that can be removed, and those we may want to keep and double-down on.​
Funnel analysis is used to visualize, measure, and understand key user behavior throughout the customer journey. Funnel analysis visually alerts you when something isn’t right, so you can make the necessary adjustments to keep your users on their path to conversion.
Although every business has unique goals, funnel analysis is usually implemented to:
Improve conversion. Funnel analysis enables you to find out what’s preventing users from reaching your goal. Each stage of the funnel poses opportunities for a smoother, more personalized journey to the end of the funnel. If there is a significant drop in users between specific funnel stages, you’ll know where to focus your efforts and further analysis.
Align marketing and product goals. Marketing teams typically aim to convert new users and re-engage old ones, while product teams focus on user retention. The campaign funnel analysis allows to both share insights on the full user journey, and to create a cohesive user experience starting from the Ad and continuing to the product. If users respond well to a part of the marketing funnel, they’re more likely to stay on-board when the product funnel offers a similar value.
You can configure your funnel analysis stages by adding and arranging up to 7 metrics. The list of available metrics depends on the data integrations you have set up with Addressable and the corresponding Ad networks. Learn more about our data sources and integrations.
The campaign summary tab provides a high-level view of the campaign set up and optimization activities divided into:
Addressable+ activity log - Here you can track the cadence and actions of our automatic optimization engine.
Configuration details - Here you can quickly review the campaign settings (budget, audience, geolocations, schedule, etc.)
Keep in mind that Addressable campaigns are not editable once launched. Once we initiate a campaign, any configuration changes would require creating a new campaign, or in some cases a direct edit on the corresponding network (you may reach out to your Customer Success Manager for further details and best practices).